Sunday, 27 May 2012

masa akan menentukan semua,sabar.. ^^


alohahahaha... hikhik. a lot of sorry sebab da lama tak update blog. mesti da berhabukkan? mieyra da batuk batuk da ni ha.. FYI, mieyra skrg ni da berada di kampung halaman yang agak tercinta ni ha.. kat mana? of course la KUALA TERENGGANU!!. peteh ganu peteh gitu.. haha. cepat tak mieyra balik kampung cuti ni? cepat kan5??? kalau nak tahu.. [kalau nak la, kalau taknak takpe, saja nak menaip pnjg2 tengah rajen ni kan.. ( :3 )]  mieyra balik cepat pun sebab nenek + pacek pacek mieyra datang rumah hari jumaat hari tu. my daddy sakit, takleh nak drive kereta jauh2.. hmm. gitu la alkisahnye.. mieyra takleh story mory lebih2, sebab cerita nye mmg pnjg. kalau nak dipndekkan pun mmg xkan menjadi sedap + enak + lazat cerita mieyra tu.. hikhik. kalau korang nak tahu perasaan mieyra mcm mne, absolutely tak boleh nak digmbarkan.. sedih + marah + benci, senang crita semua la ada.. siapa mieyra marah, benci, mieyra taknak and takkan bagitau okey! harap maklum.. cuma mieyra doakan makhluk Allah tu insaf and bawak2 la betaubat.. awak tu da tua, bukannye muda.. da nak masuk fasa senja da.. hmm. da la.. malas nak sakitkan hati.. however, doa doakan la mieyra and family mieyra sntiasa dilindungi and hope my daddy cepat smbuh ye.. semoga AllahSWT balas jasa baik awak awak semua yee. okeyla.. ada kerja sikit nak buat.. nak kena jadi baby sitter jap. nanti ada masa mieyra update blog dgan post yg more fresh okay.. tata.  

Saturday, 5 May 2012

hulala, birthday buddies iteww da menjelma la!

hello hello, korang jawab salam mieyra tu dulu taw.. tak jawab dosa.. huhu ^^. korang korang,nak tahu satu story mory tak? ha, sebelum mieyra bgitau, cer la teka teka dulu. ala,mieyra tahu korang kalau bab meneka neka ni memg teror. tak dinafikan. huh. hehe. cepatla, mieyra tunggu ni? tettttt. sorry,buzer da pun tertulis. ape? kenapa buzer da tertulis? la, dlm blog,takdenye buzer tu nk bunyi bunyi kat dlm post ni. huhu ^^. okela, sebenarnye kan, hari ni,tepat 6MEI2012, tedetik la sejarah utk brithday buddies mieyra yg ke 16 setakat ni.. hikhik. ape la korang, mieyra da pun stated awal awal lagi,siap jadi topic post lagi taww!. huhu. tkpe la, kita lupekan kisah tu oke! siapa yg celebrate birthday tu?? ha, siapa lagi kalau bukan ONE OF MY BFF, the cutiest  one TIEYA AZMI!! give an applause for her!! hehe. akhirnye,capai juge niat mieyra nak pggil dia macek tieya walaupun mieyra yg lagi tua brpe bulan yerk?? hurmm, entahla, mlas nak kira kira. ngehngeh ^^. siapa lagi sorang? ha.. yg ni special sikit. kalau dlm kelas takde dia, alamatnye senyap sunyi la kelas tu, da mcm ada acara bekabung la pulee. hewhew. itula dia FARAH AIMI!! give an applause for her too! hehe. btw, happy belated birthday to both of you and may Allah bless u plus u get what u want in ur life ^^. ehh... kejap3. ada lagi sorang taww.. siapa? ha, yg ni kawan mieyra masa  skola sains kota tinggi 2 n 3 tahun lepas. hmm, dia la budak chomeyl dlm dorm Alfa 1 and tu lah dia NURIN NAJIHAH!! give an applause for her toooo!. haha. rindu lilew dengan macek ni sorang.. haishh. oke la, da penat menaip, rasanya da tib masa nak tidur!! hehe. hello,skrg ni da pukul 2.12am da okey!! so jgan fikir yg bukan bukan taww.  huhu. takde la, gurau je. mieyra taw yg korang takkan fikir cenggitu punyee ^^. hmm, okela. mata da pun nak tetutup sedikit demi sedikit.. so,sebelum terbit peta kat atas meja ni, better mieyra off laptop skrg.. ada masa lagi mieyra post new story mory, oke! kita gossip gossip.. haha. takde la,takkan la nak gosip orang kan.. tak baik, tak mau tak mau.. haha. oke la. da nantuk sgat da ni ha.. tidur dulu u alls.. tata!

Friday, 4 May 2012

jom sambut hari ibu,jom!!

yuhuu.. hehe, korang, kalau ye pun nak baca post ni jwb la salam yg kaler hijau tuh.. da?? oke, korang memang tebaekk. yayy!. alamak, telebih suda.. haha. korang korang, lagi sminggu kan kita nak smbut hari ibu. ape? korang tk ingat bile hari ibu? okela, biar mieyra igatkan ye.. suda suda, jgan sedey sedey.. hehe. kita smbut hari ibu tepat pada hari ahad, mggu kedua bulan mei. hmm. so,korang da taw kan, so ape tunggu lagi, pegi kedai cepat cepat beli hadiah utk mum korang.. iteww da beli da.. cehh,nak bangga kan.. haha. japjap, nak pegi pakai spect jap.. da saket da mata ni ha. ni la akibatnye kalau da mmg rabun + silau, tp taknak pakai spect.. kan da sakit... huhu. oke,dah. korang korang,sambutan hari ibu tahun ni kan,korang nk buat ape ye? ada tak korang arrange dinner dengan family ke,aturkan candle light dinner mum korang dengan dad korang ke kan.. hikhik, tanye orang amieyra tak buat pun. takde modal [jujur taw mieyra mengaku]!! haha.. okela, rasanye cukup dulu la sampai kat sini.. amieyra nak survey survey dulu kat bawah kot kot yang lain da breakfast belum,oke.. tata! 

tumpang lalu.. exam nak jalan.

assalamualaikum semua!! hehe. oke,mcm biase, saya da bagi salam so rajen rajen la jwab salam tu ye.. saya$ da senang seng da tu bagi pahala.. so jgan lpaskan pluang nk rebut pahala taww! oke, topic kita hari ni of course la fsal exam kan mmndangkan exam adlah topic pretty hot skrg ni.. ^^ humm. exam di tun habab da start dri mggu ni lagi, tp hanya utk form 5. form 4 akn start exam next week, igat tarikh kramat ni taw, [ 7MEI 2o12 ] . hum.. d tinggal lgi 2 hari je lagi.. bedebar tahap dewa ni!! tpi kn korng, kalau difikir balik, skejap je da nak cuti pertengahan tahun, kan5!!! rasa mcm baru je hari tu ambil result pmr, pastu baru dpt kelas masing2.. baru belajar... huhh.. sekejap je. tahun depan lagi la, nak masuk dewan SPM..mamaaaaa!! anak mama ni da nak spm tahun depan!! anak mama ni takottt!! sangt x besedia nak hadapi semua tu!! andai bisa kuputar dunia, akan ku lkukan!! cehh, da bemadah.. haha. hmm, okela, da mcm takde ape2 lagi da nk cerciter dgan korang korang semua.. so, the best way is whether faceb0oking, utubing,or messaging.. haha. think think.. hum.. rasa rasa nak faceb0okin dulu, then nak utubing.. agak2 da boring messaging la pule.. hehe. oke la. nak studying. next week examing.. haha. salah grmmar bi kite taw.. haha.  oke la.. babaiii.


Thursday, 3 May 2012

it's all 'bout ict


The objectives are:
  1. To lead, manage and develop ICT in the University
  2. To provide excellent customer centred services, that are responsive to the changing needs of the user
  3. To maintain an effective staff development programme to ensure that ICT staff continue to develop the necessary skills to provide high-quality services and support
  4. To actively contribute to the University Sustainability agenda
  5. To contribute to the University’s Change agenda by promoting the effective use of ICT and leading a number of reviews of business processes within the organisation


A system of interconnected computers that share a central storage system and various peripheral devices such as a printers, scanners, or routers. Each computer connected to the system can operate independently, but has the ability to communicate with other external devices and computers.


A component or peripheral device (such as a barcode reader, graphic tablet, keyboard, magnetic-stripe reader, modem, mouse, scanner, or stylus) that feeds data or instruction into a computer for display, processing, storage, or outputting or transmission.
Input devices convert the user's actions and analog data (sound, graphics, pictures) into digital electronic signals that can be processed by a computer. Digital data (such as from barcode readers, modems, scanners, etc.) does not require any conversion and is input direct into a computer. It is through input devices that a user exercises control over a computer, its operations, and outputs.


In computing, a process is an instance of a computer program that is being executed. It contains the program code and its current activity. Depending on the operating system (OS), a process may be made up of multiple threads of execution that execute instructions concurrently.


The central processing unit (CPU) is the portion of a computer system that carries out the instructions of a computer program, to perform the basic arithmetical, logical, and input/output operations of the system. The CPU plays a role somewhat analogous to the brain in the computer. 


Computer data storage, often called storage or memory, refers to computer components and recording media that retain digital data. Data storage is a core function and fundamental component of computers.
In contemporary usage, 'memory' usually refers to semiconductor storage read-write random-access memory, typically DRAM (Dynamic-RAM). Memory can refer to other forms of fast but temporary storage. Storage refers to storage devices and their media not directly accessible by the CPU, (secondary or tertiary storage), typically hard disk drives, optical disc drives, and other devices slower than RAM but are non-volatile (retaining contents when powered down).Historically, memory has been called core, main memory, real storage or internal memory while storage devices have been referred to as secondary storage, external memory or auxiliary/peripheral storage.


A result produced by a computer that is internal to the system (from one program or process to another) or external to it (from a program or process to an output device) but internal to an output device (modem, monitor, printer, etc.).